Fallout new vegas romance options
Fallout new vegas romance options

fallout new vegas romance options

Tall poppy syndrome, I guess.Īnyway - since we're on the subject of companions: There's one for Fallout 3 that WAS AWESOME. So as it stands now, only Willow does that, and the lack of other interactions makes it seem out of place, despite being a pretty cool concept. I wish that the Unlimited Companions mod did some sandboxing dialogue bits with all the other companions, too, so you could (example) possibly hear Arcade exchange banter with Veronica here and there. What was neat, was that she would occasionally interact with your other followers.

fallout new vegas romance options

That part can be skipped and you're not missing anything (that you can't get elsewhere, for greater ease, any number of ways with other Nexus mods).

fallout new vegas romance options

The romance angle (if pursued) is hands-down cheesy, though. Interfacing with her was through dialogue menus, which I kinda dislike - they're cumbersome and you have to talk her head off just to get to the one thing you want to talk/ask about. Some bits of dialoge were pretty silly, but they're overlooked. Kinda wondering if she'll try a Skyrim expy, as I thought she did a good job at it. Maybe it's a bit of Mary Sue or Creator's Fantasy bits on the creator's part, but Willow is not overly OP that I can tell (if anything, she's fairly non-descript in combat). Willow was made and voiced by some married woman.

Fallout new vegas romance options